How to start a non-profit organization
Presented by SCORE: Dallas Chapter
Sponsored by the International Women's ThinkTank.
Have you looked into what it'll take to start a nonprofit organization in Texas? The paper work may seem insurmountable but we can make it easy for you. Come join us for our interactive workshop which will prepare you to start your nonprofit. Bring your computer and work along with us to access the needed websites, pull down the forms required and fill out the paperwork as you go. Our SCORE instructor can walk you through this entire process in a day and if you need further assistance later you can contact SCORE and work with one of our mentors to complete the process. (Mentoring sessions are free).
By the end of this session you will have learned:
- How to incorporate in the State of Texas (a step by step process)
- How to complete the application for 501(C)3 tax-exempt organization through the Internal Revenue Service - Form 1023
- How to Stay incorporated and remain a 501(C)3 tax exempt organization
All Instructors are Certified SCORE Mentors

How to start a non-profit organization
North Dallas Chamber of Commerce
10707 Preston Road
Dallas, TX 75230
Next workshop to be scheduled soon.
For more information, please send us an email.