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Women are needed
Men outnumber women in most STEM careers. For example, just 17 percent of chemical engineers and 22 percent of environmental scientists are women. But that doesn't mean it's hard for women to get jobs in those fields. In fact, many companies want to hire and keep qualified women for STEM jobs.
Leading the way
The IWTT believes in the value of mentoring and promotional programs in order to encourage girls to succeed in these traditionally male-dominated fields. By introducing girls to female role models the IWTT offers girls the opportunity for hands-on activities while also exposing them to a multitude of educational and professional options.
Women and STEM careers: Mentor program
The IWC works with the AAUW Chapter at Atlanta Metropolitan State College to provide mentoring and support to leadership skills for College Women.
Contact us for more information or go to the Get Involved page to become a mentor.
The 'Girls Let's Build Project'
The IWTT started a program in collaboration with Engineering for Kids® Metro Atlanta and the Atlanta Tech Village. Two Summer Camps are scheduled for 2014, where girls 4-7 get exposed to basic engineering principles in a playful and fun way.
See program details.
IWTT project: 'Women and STEM'