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Agriculture, Technology and Trade Center (ATTC)

Advancing Global Linkages

The International Women’s Think Tank is building an Information Platform that will enable female farmer families to fully and actively participate in the economy and society by increasing their opportunities through a one-stop Virtual Resource Center. The Center will provide e-Learning, networking with international female farmers such as the Mississippi Association of Cooperatives to discuss best practices, e-Commerce media for local and international products such as maize, cashews, livestock and Shea Butter and it will serve as an e-Resource site. Essentially, it will become an Agricultural Hub.

Joining this collaborating is Dr. Sharon Ingram an expert in the field of international development, specializing in trade, socio-economics, agricultural and women empowerment. Dr. Ingram has spoken at the United Nations on Non-Governmental Organizations and also before the sub-committee on Housing in Congress. She is the Chairperson of The Alabama Benin Trade Forum, a quasi-governmental project focusing on expanding international trade, culture, educational, green initiatives, power and internet install, medical and technology research.

Also joining the collaboration is Princess Moradeun Ogunlana is the the Founder/CEO of African Women’s Health Project International (AWHPI), she leads international non-profit groups that focus on empowering women globally thru access to healthcare, economic empowerment, agriculture and trade associations, cultural developments, and partnerships.

Princess Ogunlana was recently inducted at the UCT in the United Nations as an Ambassador of Culture uniting USA, China and Africa; by promoting Culture, Development and Health wellness among the women of the World; and promoting Peace Building.

In 2014, she was inducted as an Ambassador for Peace by the Universal Peace Federation (Nigeria chapter) at the United Nations, and currently serves as the International Coordinator for the Nigerian Ambassador for Peace in the Diaspora Initiatives.

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