How Money Works
“It’s ironic that we live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, we always have money problems. We can work hard all our lives but retire poor. We do so much to raise our kids just to see them finish college with a lot of debt. Debt becomes a way of life. We don’t have much, and we don’t know much. Nobody teaches us how to manage our money in school. Financial issues are not often discussed, and financial products are not always explained.”
The goal of the “How Money Works” financial seminar series will increase your attention, interest and understanding into financial matters as the basics of how money works. With this program, participants will learn how to:
Make money work better
Find and save money
Understand investments and build wealth
Protect and preserve wealth
Participants can become their own money manager.
Financial Concepts & Principles:
Financial Foundation
Wealth Formula
Tax Categories
Rule of 72
Four Corner Stones
Financial Solutions:
College Planning
Debt Management
Increasing Cash Flow
Building Wealth /Asset Accumulation
Retirement Planning
Wealth Preservation/ Estate Planning
Let’s get financially literate and become our own money manager...
*Saving Your Future by Xuan Nguyen
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